Ein typischer Tag im Axis-Rotationsprogramm für Führungskräfte


I started off as a pre-med student in college, where I enjoyed my science classes. But it wasn't long before I began to miss learning about math. This realization prompted me to switch my major to bioengineering, giving me the best of both worlds. After graduating from Lehigh University, I joined Oliver as a Process Engineer in their Axis rotational leadership program. Last week, I finished my first 6-month rotation in the program.

My introduction to the Axis program came during a conversation with a future colleague at a career fair. The program's offering of diverse career paths piqued my interest, as did the healthcare industry. The opportunity to contribute to patient safety and improved quality of life also attracted me to the program. One of my favorite parts about being in the Axis program is getting to work alongside a variety of colleagues. I frequently work cross-functionally with teams like product specifications, finance, and pricing.

Through the Axis program, I get the opportunity to rotate through different roles in operations management, supply chain, and engineering over the course of two years. During my first rotation as an engineer, I was responsible for a variety of projects, each offering unique challenges and lessons. One of the projects I enjoyed most was focused on pouch optimization. Specifically, I was looking at shifting pouches from a narrow web to a wide web, intending to boost manufacturing efficiency.

sydney waterman headshot

Essentially, I was looking at how we can make more, high-quality pouches in less time. This was made possible using new technology and enhanced process controls.Mir hat dieses Projekt Spaß gemacht, weil ich glaube, dass ein häufig übersehener Aspekt des Ingenieurwesens darin besteht, dass es Vorteile bringt, das zu verbessern, was man bereits hat. Es ist nicht immer notwendig, das Rad neu zu erfinden, und manchmal ist die Pflege vorhandener Mechanismen die beste Vorgehensweise.  

Während ich mich auf meine nächste Axis-Rotation als Supply-Chain-Spezialist zubewege, gehe ich davon aus, dass ich meine Komfortzone verlassen werde. Der Übergang in ein unbekanntes Fachgebiet verspricht neue Herausforderungen und Chancen. Die Aussicht auf die Zusammenarbeit mit einem neuen Team begeistert mich und bietet mir die Möglichkeit, mein berufliches Netzwerk zu erweitern. Wenn ich über meine berufliche Entwicklung nachdenke, rate ich neuen Ingenieuren, geduldig zu sein, ihnen gegenüber nachsichtig zu sein und jeden Tag so zu nehmen, wie er kommt. 

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